

Through the Looking Glass (Classic full movie 70s)

Retro vintage film AI upscaled (720p) [MastermindProductions] Jonas Middleton (1976)
A rich socialite escapes her boring lifestyle when a ghost takes her to a sexual hell where anything goes.
AKA Femme ou démon/Le miroir/Inferno der Lüste/A través del espejo/Reflexos de Um Espelho Indiscreto/Spiegel der Lusten/L'inferno di una donna/Spejlets liderlige magt/Catherines djävulska sexlekar/Alicja po drugiej stronie lustra/Büyülü Aynanın İçinden
Starring Catharine Burgess, Kristin Steen (as Marie Taylor), Kim Pope, Eve Every, Ultramax, Nancy Dare (as Suzan Swanson), Terri Hall, Nikki Hilton, Melody Gerdon, Victoria Karl, Laura Nicholson, Elizabeth Martinez, Fanny, Jamie Gillis, Douglas Wood, Roger Caine (as Mike Jefferson), Jeffrey Hurst, Rocky Millstone (as Jacob Pomerantz), Grover Griffith, Bobby Astyr, Victor Colicchio (as Peppy), Edward Krane

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