

Checkmate (Obscene Proposal) (Classic full movie 90s)

Retro vintage [CapitalFilm/SnatchProductions] Salvo Di Liberto (as D'Salvi) & Joe D'Amato (Italy/USA - 1996)
A porn rip-off of Adrian Lyne's ''Indecent Proposal'', with Mark Davis in the Robert Redford role. Davis offers $500,000 to hump Alex Dane. Jeanna Fine chimes in with another $500,000 if Morgan will hump her, totally ridiculous, but in pornoland anything goes.
AKA Check-Mate (Proposta anale indecente)/Le prix de la jouissance
Starring Alex Dane, Jeanna Fine, Monica Orsini, Cleo Patra (as Cleopatra), Kathy Kash (as Caterina Rinaldi), Nyrobi Knight, Kimberly Kummings, Mark Davis, Jonathan Morgan, Sean Michaels

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