

Teresa, The Woman Who Loves Men (Classic German full movie 80s)

Retro vintage [VideoTeresaOrlowski] Didier Philippe-Gérard (as Michel Barny) - 1985
A four star film which made unanimity in Europe and in the USA. Fabulous Teresa Orlowski, the dark haired, big busted actress, plays here the same part as in normal life: manager of a porn-production company.
AKA Teresa, la femme qui aime les hommes
Starring Teresa Orlowski, Gerlinde Bodeker (as Gerlinde Bodecker), Karine Hornel, Britta Stine, Simone Graf, Anna Fischer (as Isabelle Torilla), Eleonore Melzer (as Eleanore Melzer), Michele Menuire, Gisele Surel, Monique Talard, Christine Davis, Martine Aslo, Maria Benzlauer, Sabina Kiesslich, Sylvia Henri, Sascha Alexander (as Hans Mosher Jr.), Gerard Luig, Joachim Zell, Bert Petersen, Frithjof Klausen, Hans-Peter Kremser (as Peter Renald), Siggi Buchner (as Gil Vital), Rolf Ernser (as Rene Ernser), Herbert Oppermann, Roland Dulin, Francois Bollin, Daniel Anders, Richard Daru, Claude Stien

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