

Meatball (Classic full movie 70s)

Retro vintage film [MBProductions] Gerard Damiano (as D. Furred) USA - 1972
Doctor Schmock, his nurse and another woman all have an incredible need for sexual fulfillment. The good doctor proceeds to make them some kind of Swedish meat balls that give them an incredible need for sex.
AKA The Meatball/Hamburger/Preparation X/Bolle di piacere/Længere ind, doktor/Längre in doktorn!/Ei liikaa sanoi tohtori/Längre in doktorn!
Starring Andrea True (as Singe Low), Tina Russell (as Linda Sanderson), Lotta Semen, Hadda Climax, Harry Reems (as Harry Reams), Marc Stevens (as Al Packer), Jason Russell (as G.I. Kann), Les Hassel, Gerard Damiano (as Al Gork)

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